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Our Elementary School programme offers students a comprehensive and well rounded experience in and out of the classroom.


Our High School programme offers students a comprehensive and well rounded experience in and out of the classroom.

School Life


Activities offered beyond the classroom are extensive and fulfilling.


It is our mission and responsibility at SJI International to support the health and wellbeing of students within our school community.




Our SJI International alumni community is strong and remains connected globally.

The welfare of our students is our top priority. It is essential for all students to feel safe and supported at SJI International so that they develop a real sense of belonging and an ability to thrive both socially and academically. All our staff have a role in supporting our students, empathising with them, and ensuring their learning journey is guided appropriately. Several individual staff members play vital roles in supporting the welfare of our students as follows:



Each student is assigned to a Tutor Group led by a Tutor. The Tutor becomes one of the most important adults in the lives of our students, and the close bond developed between Tutors and students enables outstanding individual advice and guidance. As a result, our students have a deep sense of belonging within our school community and a broader connection to the values we uphold.

Heads of Grade

At SJI International, we have one Head of Grade for each Grade Level. Heads of Grade work with Tutor teams to facilitate a supportive and extensive pastoral care programme. Students who require additional support for learning or social/emotional needs, are referred to our internal support services. The Heads of Grade lead Tutors in facilitating our pastoral programme.

Learning Coordinators

We have a Grade 7 and 8 Learning Coordinator and a Grade 9 and 10 Learning Coordinator. They oversee your child's pastoral and academic needs and ensure that both teams provide appropriate support. 

Vice-Principal (Wellbeing and Achievement)

The Pastoral Leadership Team comprises the Heads of Grade, Learning Coordinators and other relevant members of the Senior Leadership Team. This team is led by the Vice-Principal (well-being and Achievement).

Wellbeing Programme

All Grade 7 to 10 students have well-being lessons during curriculum time - one class a week for half the year. In addition, students participate in well-being enhancing programmes during pastoral time. Our well-being programme is cemented in the principles of positive psychology and is supported by our Heads of Grade and School Counsellors. 

Wellbeing Survey

All our students participate in a well-being Survey 4 to 5 times a year, enabling the Pastoral Team to monitor and track your child's well-being and provide appropriate interventions when required. The data informs the team of specific needs the cohort requires and can support this through dedicated pastoral time led by tutors and the Head of Grade. We adopt an open-access policy to strengthen our home-school partnership. All our staff are contactable via email, telephone or by prior appointment.