Our mission and responsibility at SJI International are to support the health and well-being of students within our school community. Learning and well-being are inextricably linked – students learn best when their well-being is optimised, and they develop a strong sense of well-being when they experience success in learning. Well-being in our school is reflected in the following:
Positive Relationships
We support students’ spiritual, physical and social well-being through our school values. Positive professional relationships between students and staff are cherished at SJI International. We are renowned for our values-driven care for those in our learning community, and we advocate principles of a positive mindset, virtue-based learning, and positive psychology.
Character Education
We support students’ spiritual, physical and social well-being through our school values. Positive professional relationships between students and staff are cherished at SJI International. We are renowned for our values-driven care for those in our learning community, and we advocate principles of a positive mindset, virtue-based learning, and positive psychology.
Student Support Services
At SJI International, we strive to recognise and meet all students' academic, emotional and pastoral needs to guide them to reach their full potential enjoyably and successfully. Our nurturing ethos is supported by a range of internal support services led by the Vice-Principal (Pastoral). These include the school Counselling Team and School Psychologist; the Learning Development Team, including our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, English as an Additional Language teacher and Teaching Assistants; University Guidance and Careers Counselling team; and School Nurse.
Our positive school culture embeds student well-being into all aspects of school life by connecting the learning environment, curriculum and pedagogy, policies, procedures and partnerships for learning and life. We demonstrate an explicit commitment to the well-being and communicate and promote this commitment to our school community.