The Pastoral Team includes; the Vice-Principal, Assistant Principal (Student Success), School Counsellors, Learning Support Team and EAL (English as an Additional Language) team. These teams work together to ensure that all children can access the curriculum and that any support, academic or pastoral, is provided to help all children achieve their potential.
The Learning Support team supports students within class and through pull-out sessions where specific interventions would be beneficial. All decisions are made in collaboration with parents and we encourage strong home-school connections. It is important to note that the scope of Learning Support within SJI International is limited and it is essential that parents let the Admissions team know of any previous diagnosis during the Admissions process.
The EAL team works with students who would benefit from some additional support with their English language development. Support may be in-class or through pull-out lessons and is a paid-for programme. If your child requires EAL support, this will be discussed with you during the admissions process.
Our School Nurses provide immediate first-aid assistance. They also work with teaching teams to advise them on meeting the medical needs of specific children. The nurse liaises with specialist medical providers, parents and class teachers to assist families in implementing medical plans during the school day.
Our School Counsellors work with teachers, individual children and families to empower them with strategies to support their well-being. They support children with specific social-emotional and behavioural needs. Our counsellors also work with families in times of need or difficulty. All counselling sessions are confidential.