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Our Elementary School programme offers students a comprehensive and well rounded experience in and out of the classroom.


Our High School programme offers students a comprehensive and well rounded experience in and out of the classroom.

School Life


Activities offered beyond the classroom are extensive and fulfilling.


It is our mission and responsibility at SJI International to support the health and wellbeing of students within our school community.




Our SJI International alumni community is strong and remains connected globally.

Theory of Knowledge is a compulsory part of the IB Diploma, taught through two double periods per week in Grade 11 and one double period per week in Grade 12. Through the Theory of Knowledge course, we aim to engage our students in critical thinking and inquiring into generating and justifying knowledge claims rather than learning a specific body of knowledge. As a core component of the Diploma Programme, the ToK course references all subjects and asks students to consider how they know what we claim to know in these subjects and beyond.

Curriculum Overview

We ask our students to analyse knowledge claims by posing questions that relate to the generation, justification and use of knowledge. It is divided into broad Themes such as Knowledge and Language, Knowledge and Technology, and units on Areas of Knowledge which mirror many other subjects that make up the Diploma Program. In this way, and using real-life examples as the framework for such enquiries, students are encouraged to connect their classroom experiences and life beyond.

Religious Education (RE)

Religious Education (RE) introduces students to a broader and more in-depth exploration of religion and ethics and how they contribute to holistic human development. Religious Education (RE) aims to help students develop and deepen their awareness of the world around them. RE encourages students to think critically and evaluate pertinent religious and moral issues. Through the study of different religions, morality and what it means to be Lasallian, RE aims to help the students begin to build for themselves a framework of values and guiding principles which will help them to grow and serve as citizens of the world.

Wellbeing Education (We)

Through the Wellbeing Education curriculum, we aim to understand the influences and debate choices that students experience in life, developing strategies for enhancing their own and others’ well-being to live a life that allows everyone to flourish. Three underlying concepts support our curriculum: 

  • Socio-Ecological Perspective: Self, Others and Society. 
  • Holistic Well-Being: Physical well-being, Mental and emotional well-being, Social well-being and Spiritual well-being.
  • 5 Ways to Well-Being: Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give

The whole curriculum is designed to link learning to life outside school. Utmost is our aim to provide a secure environment through which students can explore life issues with openness and confidence. 

Curriculum Overview

At SJI International, we have developed our unique curriculum that puts into practice our school mission: Enabling students within a Lasallian community to learn how to learn and to learn how to live, empowering them to become people of integrity and people for others. Units reflect wider commitments, and activities are assigned to each grade so that each unit is purposeful. These units are divided into four key areas: Learning to Learn, Learning to Live, Character Education and Service.